Sunday, September 21, 2008

Naija move: Countdown to Dec

Life is funny, and nerve-wrecking…If you told me six months ago that I might be living in Naija by the end of this year, I’d laugh at you and possibly curse u while I’m at it. But a two week visit in April has changed my views about Naija and my life forever. This time in two weeks I’ll be in Naija…just for a couple of days. Then it might be official. I’ll come back here and start moving all my stuff, break the news to my 'paseros' that i'll be leaving them and in december life moves on.
There is a big difference between visiting and living in Naija. You have to deal with the Electricity issues, Roads a.k.a. death traps, noise/air pollution, freak accidents and the scariest of them all…armed robbers. Visiting Naija is fun…you party almost every night, visit family you have not seen in years, friends are calling, others wants to visit, they take you out, you are the life of the party, they all treat you like a celebrity, it cannot get any better than this…but all of a sudden NEPA takes light…5 minutes later you feel like you live in a factory city with deafening sounds of generators…but u say to yourself, shebi it’s only in two weeks na, i'll stick it out and soon I’ll be out of here. But on the contrary, when you move…sure, you get all the perks of visiting but then NEPA takes light…then it dawns on you, you only bought a one way ticket…you are not going anywhere, you are in this for the long haul…surely your visiting perks starts to fade away, friends and family are no more on your beck and call, nobody does things for you anymore and you have to do things by yourself now...your face has been around for too long and they are used to it so there is nothing special about you any more… YOU ARE NOW ONE OF THEM.
So, I ask myself…why the hell are am I considering removing myself out of my comfort zone?…I’ve lived here for 12 years and I’ve been very happy and comfortable so far…great job, booming social life, etc. I really can’t answer this question, but deep down I know Naija is where I’m supposed to be. I’ve realized that Naija is not for everybody…My cousin hated it. She could not deal with the okadas on the streets…she had quite a few near accidents with them while walking around in the estate. The Naija move can be a suicide move unless you really know what you are doing…you have to secure a great job from here...if your daddy is a politician then it dosent matter. It will be frustrating and it will take a lot of getting used to…I'd have to build my social life...I’d have to make new friends (looking forward to NYSC next march…maybe I’ll meet new peep there) but I’m determined…I figured…I’m not married, no kids…so why not try it out and see, if I happen to be dead wrong then I can always come back and move on.


H2O-works said...

First here...:-)

H2O-works said...

All d best oo...go and prepare the landing pad for the rest of us...very soon we will all be singing the homeward bound song...Naija Rising...Africa Rising..

Sexy T said...

lol, dont worry bro...d red carpet will be waiting or you...

Tigeress said...

I concur Sexy T, and wish u all the best. Won't front- i'm gonna miss ya. sob sob sob. Sha be on the look out for me- u know how i like them. :)

One thing i'll say, ladies BEWARE!!! Keep an eye out for Sexy T. Trust me- 'yawl' shall not be disappointed. I didnt give him that name for nothing.

Toluwa said...

i think i wanna move back too...but fear no gree me decide...

Good luck o! and if things turn out great which, i pray they wld, let blogville know o! maybe i will get courage to pack my stuff and bounce!

Miss Definitely Maybe said...

Good luck with the move
do send us a postcard
although im african to the core
I dont see myself settling there
in the near future, i have been here for so long that it has become my home my identity.
when i go home to visit i can hardly identify with whats happening there.

Enigma said...

All the best bro!!

uNWrItten* said...

wow..good luck hun..i miss naija so much..not so sure bout moving tho..but i hope it works out for you!

Invisible said...

Good luck bro. I'm even scared to visit, not to talk of move. Sounds liek you're ready to get down to business though.

Unknown said...

Good luck!

Tigeress said...

Dude, common!!!!

Zayzee said...

naija is not as bad as some think really. do ur countdown jare.